love building websites.
Passionate about developing creative & user friendly websites
When you visit a website, the design elements you see were created by a front-end devloper.
Who Build and maintain the mechanisms that process data and perform actions on websites.
Data Structure and Algorithm(DSA) is applied in all diciplines of software development.
Ability to use when giving and reciving different kinds of information.
A cutting-edge AI company dedicated to enhancing sales representative performance.
• Led the database migration from ELK to PostgreSQL, ensuring seamless data management and improved efficiency using Postgres and JDBC.
• Proactively identified and resolved numerous bugs in both frontend (JSP) and backend (Java) components, ensuring seamless functionality and enhanced user experience for critical software applications.
• Utilized PostgreSQL database to troubleshoot and resolve data-related issues, contributing to improved system performance and reliability.
Java | JDBC | SQL
Hope you like my portfolio made by @ Falgun Bokde